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Contrary to what many might believe, a stone’s shape is actually very different from its cut. While cut specifically refers to the way light interacts with the gem’s facets, shape refers to its physical form. For many, it’s one of the first aspects of a stone that stands out! From classic shapes like round to fancy shapes like princess, marquise, and cushion - there is so much to choose from.


A good way to remember this difference is that shape is the outline of the diamond while cut is the arrangement of facets to create a stunning, sparkling diamond. To learn more about gemstone cut click here.


Below, we’ll walk you through all the different gem shapes we offer on Blingdd and help you pick the perfect shape for you! But first, we’d like to help you familiarize yourself with some terms that will make understanding all the different shapes and their value a bit clearer.


Brilliance - The total light reflected from the diamond, which allows for brightness.


Fire - The dispersion of light into the colors of the color spectrum.


Scintillation - The pattern of light and dark areas and the flashes of ‘light’ when the diamond moves, also known as sparkle!




This is one of the most popular and versatile of all the stone shapes. Round diamonds in particular are shaped specifically to highlight brilliance, dispersion, and scintillation - making them the perfect stone for sparkling engagement rings. 



This gem shape is the perfect alternative to the more traditional round shape. While very similar, the longer shape of the oval gemstone makes it seem larger and more similar to a marquise while still maintaining the brilliance and sparkle of a round.



Before cushion stones, there was the old mine cut. These diamonds featured a smaller table (the top, flat part of a stone), a higher crown, and a bigger culet (the very bottom of a stone’s tip). Today, cushion gems have evolved to have softer, rounded edges and a more rectangular shape - like a pillow or cushion



The pear shape was created with the intention to create the most possible scintillation and sparkle. This shape, also known as the teardrop, is considered a mix between both the round and marquise shape and is an incredibly popular fancy cut.



Not many know this, but the marquise cut was actually made specially for King Louis XV and means “little boat” in French. The long, narrow shape of this stone accentuates its surface area and is made to make the wearer’s finger seem more elegant.



Another popular choice for engagement rings, the “princess cut” is brilliantly designed to show off its style and sparkle. Apart from the round shape, princess stones are the most popular for diamonds and are also incredibly versatile with stunning amounts of fire.



While the radiant cut seems very similar to the emerald shape in the corners, there is special faceting involved in the making of this shape that allows for even more brilliant fire. The way this shape plays with light and sparkle allows it to be easily paired with both round and square gems.



The romantic look of this stone shape speaks for itself. Other than the symbolism it carries, these gems are incredibly popular for their symmetry, allowing the stones to shine and sparkle even more than they normally would.



The emerald shape is one of the oldest gem shapes. Similar to the heart shape, emerald cut stones focus on symmetry to highlight their facets and step-cut shape. With a simple rectangular cut, this shape is the paradigm of clean elegance.



The asscher cut is incredibly similar to an emerald cut, and is actually its predecessor! More square in shape, this stone offers a contemporary style that actually gained popularity after WWI. The unique faceting and striking symmetry of this gem shape allow it to still hold its popularity in today’s market.



Very similar to emerald cut stones, baguettes have angled corners, resulting in a more rectangular shape. Baguettes tend to be overlooked because they are often not featured on their own, but rather as side stones to the center diamond in a piece of jewelry. However, these stones add the perfect geometric highlight to any jewelry