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When it comes to taking care of your new, shining jewelry Blingdd wants to make sure you are able to keep it in the same pristine condition you purchase it in. There are many common questions and mistakes that new jewelry owners have, but we are here to give you all the best tips to keep your valuables in the best shape.


Firstly, it is extremely important to have your jewelry looked at and professionally cleaned about every six months. Before shipping your jewelry to you, Blingdd takes time for detailed quality control and cleaning to ensure your piece is retail ready. Continuing to follow up in the years after your purchase will help protect any diamonds and gems from loosening or falling out.


What about caring for your jewelry on your own? There are slightly different methods of upkeep depending on what you have. Whether it be gold, diamonds, or gems - Blingdd has you covered! Keep reading to learn our insider tips and never worry about your jewelry’s state again.




Pure 100%, 24 karat gold is extremely soft and not often used in jewelry. Manufacturers alloy gold with other metals to make it stronger or to change the color of it, but gold itself will never tarnish no matter what metal is mixed into it! 


If you have a gold ring that you have had “dipped in white gold”, this is called rhodium plating. Depending on your body’s chemistry, this will wear off over time and reveal a slight tinge of yellow. Let that signal you that it is time to have it done again!


Most jewelry stores in the US will do a “refinish to new” for around $55. They will check the prongs to ensure that the diamonds and gems are secure, polish it and rhodium plate it leaving your jewelry looking fresh and brand new.




Diamonds are the hardest mineral on earth! Only diamond can scratch diamond, so you do not have to worry about reaching into your pocket or your handbag. Diamonds in your jewelry can survive almost anything!


Make sure when not wearing your jewelry, to have it nicely stored away in a jewelry box or safe to prevent the diamonds from scratching other gems.


Colored Gemstones:


Anything that isn’t a diamond, is a “softer gem”. By this we mean, extra special care and attention must be paid to these colorful delights. Every gemstone has a different hardness, which is specified by the Mohs Hardness Scale. This means that care and cleaning is different for each!


While many jewelry owners might have an at home jewelry cleaner, or even an ultrasonic, to shake the dirt loose. When it comes to colored gemstones, avoid these! With so many proprietary blends of cleaners, it can be hard to know which ones would damage a gem and the ultrasonic machine is not exactly soft gemstone friendly. So, what can you do at home instead?


When in doubt, simply using warm soapy water is a safe way to clean your colored gemstone jewelry. Do not use a toothbrush or similar product to scrub as it can damage the gem! And harsh chemicals, even ones as common as baking soda, can destroy a beautiful gem. 


Tip: Opals are made up of 20% water, and when they get parched they will craze (which means break)! To prevent this from happening, store your opals with a shot glass of water, the opals will soak up that H2O goodness.




And remember: all jewelry should be put away neatly in a jewelry organizer or box to keep from acquiring scratches, chips or tangling of chains!